In the Ozarks, our quality of life and economic development are tied directly to the quality of our natural resources. We understand the importance of protecting these resources and the ways in which our community is unique.
Traditionally, environmental regulations are driven by technical, political and legal priorities. While each of these factors play a vital role, it is important to recognize that the role of citizen input on community investments is just as important.
In 2014, a citizen-based Environmental Priorities Task Force convened to define the environmental issues that our community is focused on. By proactively addressing the issues that our citizens find important, rather than simply reacting to the latest regulation, we will build trust and support for our programs.
Read the Environmental Priorities Task Force final report. (pdf)

- The Environmental Priorities Task Force decided that a “Clean and healthy drinking water supply” should be the community’s #1 priority.
- Respondents to a statistically valid survey conducted during the study period were asked “Which community issues are the most important?” The top three issues were Public Safety, Jobs and Education.
- Citizen Water Supply and Usage Survey: 2017 – 2018
- EPA Support Study 1: Data Collection Plan (draft, April 2015)
- EPA Support Study 2: Literature Review on the Value of Water Resources (draft, April 2015)
- Trash and Recycling Collection Study (April 2017)
- 2015 Governor’s Conference on Natural Resources Report
- Environmental Chapter from Field Guide 2030
- Integrated Plan Proposal to EPA
- Citizen Survey Results – Environmental Priorities (2014)
- Environmental Program/Projects
- Springfield Planning Glossary
- Springfield Regulatory Timeline Air, Water, Land (7.8.2014)